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  Web, Print and Presentation Graphics

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AFFTC (Air Force Flight Test Center) Executive Support & Administrative Handbook
Artwork created for Web site home page Web-based document management system.
AFFTC Electronic Business System - Logo
Artwork created for use in Web-based document management system.
Global Power Fighter
Artwork created for use in Web-based document management system.
AFFTC Electronic Business Presentation for Senior Management
This graphic image was prepared for a jewel-case and compact disk label.
TeamWeb 2000 - Logo
Graphic created for the Web Team used on base Intranet.
Edwards Web Team Logo Thumbnail Image
Howard Hughes - Newspaper Article
This graphic image was prepared for use in "Spy Planes", a March 1998 Cover Story prepared for the Edwards Air Force Base public web site.
Howard Hughes Newspaper Article Thumbnail Image
U-2 Modular Payload Arrangement
This graphic image was prepared for use in "Spy Planes", a March 1998 Cover Story prepared for the Edwards Air Force Base public web site.
U2 Modular Payload Thumbnail Image
CenterNet 3D Planning Diagram
This graphic image was prepared for a management presentation.
CenterNet Redesign PowerPoint Template
This PowerPoint template was prepared for a management presentation.
CenterNet Promotion
This graphic image was prepared to present the scope TeamWeb's responsibilities.
Vintage V-12's Website Page Design Ideations
This is a series of conceptual page layouts for the Vintage V-12's website.
Wireframe for Web Page
This wireframe was used in planning the user interface design for a website project.

Copyright © 2007 John Robert Schuler